Features of HTML 5

mr deepak
May 19, 2021


Many such tags and attributes have been made available in HTML5, through which you can easily add Graphics, Audio, Video, etc.

HTML5 is the latest version which will make it easier for you to write code.

Many more such features have been made available in it, which are quite easy for the user and less code has to be written to design the web page.

New features:

  • Browser Support
  • The plugin is very less required.
  • offline Application Cache
  • web Storage
  • Error Handling
  • New Application programming interface(API)
  • New Structure
  • Geolocation: HTML4, it is very difficult to find out the visitors' geolocation, but since HTML5 has been launched, this task has become very easy.

Originally published at https://www.mrdeepak.com.



mr deepak

I Am a Full Stack Web Developer With 5+ Years of Extensive Experience in Global Software Industry.I Have Delivered Scalable Applications, Large & Complex Websit